A warm breeze rolls in off of the road
vultures and passers by discussing
how love along a long enough timeline
makes a thanatologist of dreamers
makes sand and steam
of earth and sea.

We become part of the conversation
by fractions of inches
and cracks in the sidewalk
we tell the story of longing
to the ground and the grinding
ceiling fan.

Every prompt I see says
"in three to five hundred words"
and sounds without shape
tumble from my lips
mumble off my fingertips
and roll in off of the road
to carry your name on a palanquin
royal procession
cherished relic
of my heart.

I cannot contain your glory
cannot make a reliquary of this skin
cannot offer up any temple you would accept
except every prompt I see says
your name
makes me
ever a student in
a changing field of study.

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